The Edenstone Foundation is working with Compassion UK to improve hygiene & sanitation in Togo

The Edenstone Foundation is working with Compassion UK to improve hygiene and living standards in Togo

A SANITATION solution for one of the poorest communities in the world is progressing thanks to new homes being built in South Wales and the South West of England.

Support from the Edenstone Foundation has already helped Compassion UK bring clean water and a block of eight toilets to a community in the village of Kpele, in the Haho region of Togo, West Africa.

The foundation, which is financed through the proceeds of new homes being built by the Edenstone Group, has agreed additional support to further improve hygiene and living standards.

Edenstone Group operations director Chris Edge said: “The Coronavirus pandemic has made us all acutely aware of the importance of good hygiene and appreciate that for some people access to safe water and sanitation is limited. By partnering with Compassion we’ve been able to provide families supported by the Pentecote Kpélé Child Development Centre with facilities that have changed their lives.

“Access to safe water is helping reduce the risk of people in the community contracting the virus. There’s already been a considerable improvement in the health and hygiene of the community and we’ve now agreed further support for Compassion UK and a community led total sanitation (CLTS) project.”

The Edenstone Foundation will contribute £12,500 towards the project.

Clare Harley, from Compassion UK, said: “, “Numbers of COVID-19 cases are still relatively low in Togo, but the risk remains significant. Every district has now reported cases of the disease. The community led total sanitation project is a pioneering intervention that will empower communities. With safe water available, hygienic toilet facilities at the centre and sanitation solutions at each home, the community will be able to practice the hygienic lessons they’ve learnt.”

Funding from the Edenstone Foundation has also been used to support Compassion’s Different Path Appeal to support mothers and babies in Togo.

The scheme aims to improve access to antenatal check-ups and trained birth attendants; offer life-saving assistance including basic healthcare, hygiene, nutritious food and safe water; as well as providing mentoring, support and spiritual guidance for families.

Around 20% of births in Togo are not delivered in a heath facility, but within the interventions supported by the Different Path Appeal, 91% of births were attended by a skilled health professional.

Compassion UK is the only overseas partner of the Edenstone Foundation.

The Foundation receives a proportion of the proceeds of every home sold by the Edenstone Group to support communities and causes that help change lives.

The Edenstone Group, based in Magor, is currently building and selling homes across South Wales and the South West of England including in Lisvane, Morriston, Lydney and Ross on Wye under the Bluebell Homes and Edenstone Homes brands.

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